Construction - , Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
UGP is a Post-Tensioned organization which partially built up with the skilled manpower and qualified personnel Experienced in large industrial projects, together with experienced of promoter in projects and other key sectors.From Its Beginning, UGP has been Established as an expertise company with multi-disciplinary services in engineering in design and construction technologies. UGP has committed itself in providing clients within and outside the region, with high quality products and outstanding services through our experienced management team and professional technical team.UGP has acquired a 20 years of experience in multi discipline engineering in both design and construction. For over 20 years of operation, UGP has acquired exceptional records in providing innovative skills and techniques to the Civil Engineering and Building industries at the national and international level.UGP with Post-Tensioning system is developed with features to meet application requirements of simplicity, efficiency and meets market demands of cost competitiveness.
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