Civic & Social Organization - , Metro Manila, Philippines
WHO are the members of the UFC?The University Freshie Council is made up of the FST College Representatives who are elected or appointed by their constituent freshies depending on their respective local college councils in UP Diliman. The council is led by the Executive Committee which consists of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary-General, Treasurer, Business Manager, and Public Information Officer. The members of the ExeComm may come from any college as long as they are freshies and are elected by the FST College Representatives. WHAT does the UFC do?The UFC works through the Students' Rights and Welfare (STRAW), Secretariat, Finance, Ways and Means (WAM), Mass Media (MMC), and other various Special Standing and Ad Hoc Committees to execute projects that would aid the FST body as stated by our Mission and Vision. WHY is there a special council just for freshies?The council was started in 2014 by members of the University Student Council (USC) to help deal with certain problems that are unique to FSTs in UPD. This includes having to adjust to the UP environment, to the academic workload, and to the idea of being an Iskolar ng Bayan. The UFC is also a way to encourage and give opportunities for service and leadership to freshies who don't normally have these. All of this combats the wrong idea of "Freshie LANG" in terms of being capable of making a difference in their community.