Civic & Social Organization - Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
The University of the Philippines Kadugong Bol-anon (UPKB) is the first and only organization of UP students who are from the province of Bohol and/or those of Boholano lineage. UPKB is also one of the duly recognized, geographic-based, ethnicity-based, and non-profit student organizations in the University of the Philippines. It was established in 1977 and since then, the organization has been at the forefront of developing a sense of service and responsibility among its members, and promoting the province of Bohol, its people, and its culture through various activities and collaborations with other student organizations within and outside the university. UPKB Academic Festival (AcadFest) is the organization's annual grand event comprising of different competitions which serve as avenues for the Boholano student youth to showcase their skills, talents, and wits.