Education Management - San Diego, California, United States
This unique conference focuses on U.S., and Mexican International Tax law developments to attract the following professionals:• International Tax Experts from the U.S. Treasury and IRS from D.C. along with their counterparts from Mexico City, SAT and Hacienda.• U.S. and Mexican Attorneys, Accountants, Corporate Tax Directors, Managers and Controllers.• Banking and Financial advisors to multinational investors and high profile Family Offices.• Financial Executives responsible for Cross-Border accountability operationsThe seventeenth annual University of San Diego School of Law - Procopio International Tax Institute Conference is at the forefront of providing new and relevant developments in the U.S.- Mexican international tax law arena. It attracts internationally recognized leaders and experts in the field of international tax law and serves not only as an educational platform but as a unique opportunity to network amongst industry colleagues.In an ever changing workplace and multi-national economic environment, it is the responsibility of tax practitioners and financial professionals to remain current with up to-the minute and detailed knowledge of international tax law matters.
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