Education Management - Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
On the request of U.P. Govt. the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad conducted a study on the craft scenario in U.P. and submitted an exhaustive report recommending the setting up of an institution that could draw upon the strengths of the vibrant crafts industry in the state and offer innovative educational programmes that would lead to the development of the craft community in the state. The report envisaged an educational institution that could play a major role in training crafts persons and artisans, in offering design and technical assistance to crafts people working in the crafts and cottage industry sectors. It recommended that the design talent that UP needs should be developed from within its own craft traditions by harnessing local talent. NID recommended the establishment of an institute that would act as a catalyst for the development of both design and management capabilities essential to the task of revitalizing crafts in the state. The recommendation was founded on UPID's own experiences while working with craft clusters through its educational and outreach programmes, and the prevailing realities of UP's crafts sector amidst the changing socioeconomic paradigms.The Institute shall function with the following objectives:>> To develop skilled designers in the state by conducting training and diploma courses in design development and craft entrepreneurship.>> Consultancy to handicraft artisans and exporters in the area of design and technology upgradation, quality upgradation marketing merchandising and packaging for higher value addition to products.>> To work with artisans at their place of work through Outreach programmes so as to understand their needs and provide on the spot advice and training for product and process developments.>> Collection of information through research, market, information and through Export Promotion Councils and other such organizations, and publication of the same for the benefit of artisans and industry.>> Development of Museum, Library and Resource Centre which may serve as an interface between handicraft artisans, entrepreneurs, designers, exporters, tourists, students, voluntary agencies and government.>> Advise for policy formulation of handicraft schemes.>> Monitoring of schemes for the welfare of handicrafts artisans.>> Implementation of sponsored programmes for the direct benefit of handicraft artisans at their workplace.>> To function as a platform for continuous industry institution artisans interaction.>> To develop brand identity for UP products
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