Information Technology & Services - Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
UXsuite GmbH sells its award-winning proprietary analytics software to measure, control and improve experiences of users on the web and on tangible electronics devices. With UXsuite solutions, digital content is dynamically tailored per customer as based on detected activity patterns. In addition to such tracking of behavior, also customer attitude is tracked via feedback forms, which can be triggered by activity patterns. The fact that customer responses to individual questions on feedback forms can be used to filter and compare activity patterns, gives unprecedented possibilities for verified user profiling and targeting for stakeholders as product managers, market researchers, UX professionals or designers, developers or IT professionals, and customer support. Sustained customer delight arising from individualized products and services rounds off the primary benefits of UXsuite solutions. UXsuite software is delivered through a SaaS model, whereby software licenses are sold to companies, who want to proactively improve the experiences of their customers on websites, desktop software, mobile apps, TVs, navigation devices, tablets, healthcare or office electronics, etc. UXsuite GmbH offers also training, coaching and consultancy services to help with initial instrumentation, jumpstart getting the right information from the tracking, and to enable making the most of UXsuite's full software stack.
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