Management Consulting - Køge, Region Zealand, Denmark
One part of Value - Consulting is helping start-ups to develop and enter into the market faster with fewer obstacles. I have taken different roles and level of involvement depending on the needs. The tasks has covered all challenges on the strategic, tactical and operational level. I have e.g. been involved in MVNO start up, Apps Start up, Online start up, SIM Consulting, implementing US based company(NASDAQ) into EU/Africa, GPS/Tracking start up, Digtital Convergens start up and also been involved as advisor on innovative products/ideas in their start up fase.Second part is focusing on helping people to reach their full potential. I'm offering coaching, sparring and outplacement services to privates and companies. I'm also a member of the Mentor programme in Venture CupDevelopment program which connect entrepreneurs and experienced business people with promising university startups with the end-goal of developing the startups as well as the people behind.http://venturecup.dkJust let me know how I can help youNew web in progress