Legal Services - Athens, , Greece
T H E M I S S I O NVicky Athanassoglou served for 15 years in Top Law Firms in Greece, with a leading role in major corporate transactions, before taking the decision in 2012 to establish her own Legal Practice. Together with a team of highly skilled, experienced and dedicated Associates she continues to offer high-level and specialized services to individuals and corporate clients alike, in Greece, Germany and many other countries, with the valuable support of an extensive world-wide network.T H E P R A C T I C E SBanking and Finance, Capital Markets, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law,Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Compliance, Criminal Law, Cross-border Transactions, Debt Restructuring, Due Diligence, Energy and Solar, E-Business, Family Law, Franchise, IT-Law and Data Protection, Inheritance Law, Insolvency Law and Restructuring, International Business Law, Leasing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity, Private International Law, Project Finance, Real Estate, Trademarks and Intellectual Property, Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation.
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