Architecture & Planning - Miami, Florida, United States
in this information age, is the abbreviation for variable, to define this company we chose a term that is always changing or that can represent anything. To simplify consider a Venn diagram each VAR member is a circle or a field, the idea of VAR stems from the strengths where the circles overlaps. The collaborative efforts & point of views of many fields to result in a final idea, design, or product. While Architecture is our background, graphics, the web,multimedia, and even product design are all fields which can contribute to the design,development & distribution of architecture. When in turn architecture contributes to the experience of each of those fields. All these variables are what we at VAR are looking to explore. So while VAR stands for variable, conveniently those letters are also the last name initials of the four founders of VAR Group. Miguel Vega, Carlos & Edgar Ascano & Fausto Rivas. Architects, Programmers, Designers, Developers & anyone looking to explorer interdisciplinary practice & research feel free to contact us. .....given the nature of this company ...this description is permanently under construction.