Renewables & Environment - , ,
Social business. We founded VayuGrid to address the core challenge of Fragmentation of renewable (non-edible) marginalized supply chains, which we believe is the key to sustainable and inclusive growth around renewables and non-edible biofuels. To sum up the metaphor without the oil fields of Texas or the Middle east there would be no transportation or fossil fuel-powered energy business! Following the success of the first POC of few acres communities around our model in the state of MH in India we are now beginning our next replication of 1,000 acre community in the state of KA in India and send you these links which will give you a good insight into our focus. As a team we set out to address key challenges that impact Agriculture, Marginalized communities and their development around arid/semi-arid/unused & intercropping land, Rural Development, the environment & natural resources & Communities, via a renewables based for-profit inclusive market driven model in India, with demand side Community2B/B2B/B2G and B2Community markets for distributed agriculture energy, transportation, industrials and derivate markets.