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Comprehensive payment strategies A majority of the advice Point of Sale developers receive is biased and centered on their merchant providers' product-set and solutions. We offer independent, industry specific consulting for the development of a Payments Strategy designed to meet the needs of your customers. These strategies are designed to increase customer satisfaction, enhance the functionality at the POS and increase revenue. We are not a merchant services provider, we help you become one. Following are the services we provide Create your own ISO Why perform 80% of the workload, yet receive only 25% to 50% of the revenue? A wide array of options guarantees there is a program designed to fit your business. Explore new Payment options Have you considered Mobile Wallet acceptance. If so, which one? How about PayPal? Gift or Loyalty Cards? Bitcoin? Does your application have the payment modules required for todays commerce? Streamline your Payment Strategy Control over the entire sales and support process will ensure greater customer satisfaction, and less friction acquiring new merchant relationships. Re-Negotiate your contract Feel there are better options available? You're probably right! Do you know the current industry standards are for revenue share, support models, or data standards? It may be time to review your agreement. Develop new revenue sources There are endless revenue options available for payment acceptance. Which ones are you missing out on?
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