Civil Engineering - Cantanhede, Coimbra, Portugal
VESAM is an european company dedicated to steel and mixed construction ofering to the clients integrated solutions including the project, fabrication, assembly, monitoring and maintenance, namely for residential buildings, services buildings, industrial units, bridges and special structures.The VESAM Group comprises the companies VESAM Engenharia S.A., VESAM Cold-Form Lda and VESAM Angola, and a research unit named VESAM Steel Research Center.VESAM Engenharia S.A. offers globals ervices in steel and mixed construction while VESAM Cold-Form Lda is dedicated to cold-formed structures. VESAM Angola is a company dedicated exclusively to the african market.The VESAM Steel Research Center is an internal unit integrated in the Research, Development and Innovation Department dedicated to develop applied research in steel and mixed construction. The scope of the project already developed includes the experimental analysis of stresses and strain, numerical modelling, planning and management software for construction (MERP) and sensors and structural health monitoring systems (SIGMA).Founded in 2005, VESAM in currently present in Portugal and Angola and expanding to Mozambique, South Africa, Algeria, France, Norway and United States, exporting more than 90% of the production in steel structure.VESAM is certified, or renewing the certification, according to the standards NP EN ISO 9001 and NP EN 1090, and in impkementation of the standards NP 4457 and NP EN ISO/IEC 17025.
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