Veterinary - Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
VIA-SAT DATA SYSTEMS INC. is a privately owned Canadian corporation operating in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It was established in June 1988 as a result of an employee privatization proposal to amalgamate various hydrometeorologic data collection programs at B.C. Hydro. Field activities are centred in British Columbia and extend into the Yukon. VIA-SAT has also been involved in a climatologic network installation in Pakistan and a flood warning system in Nepal. As a sub-consultant, a review was performed to determine the feasibility of various climatologic networks in Indonesia. Overseas consulting projects are currently being pursued in Asia, Mexico, and South America. Since 1990, VIA-SAT has expanded their client base, providing services to Independent Hydro Power Producers, municipalities, and mining companies. VIA-SAT has also formed strategic alliances with engineering consulting firms to provide data collection services. VIA-SAT employs a range of qualified personnel to undertake various environmental data collection programs. Staff members include civil (hydrology) and electrical engineers as well as several hydrology and glaciology technicians. They have also been end users of data and realize the importance of quality long-term concurrent data. VIA-SAT has been selected by the Forest Renewal Co-ordinator Office (FRCO), MELP to be placed on an eligibility list of approved contractors to perform services related to remote monitoring of water quality parameters. VIA-SAT maintains a good working relationship with various Canadian government data collection agencies : Province of British Columbia Ministry of Environment: Water Management Branch; Waste Management Branch. Government of Canada Environment Canada: Inland Water Directorate; Atmospheric Environment Service.