- Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
Vibratess, LLC, Vibrational Terahertz Spectroscopy for biological and organic materials characterization: Technology and Instrumentation. It is a Small Business Company, spin-off from the University of Virginia that was organized in February 2007 to develop and commercialize highly resolved, low-THz resonance spectroscopy technology with the spatial resolution below the diffraction limit for detecting, identifying and characterizing biological macromolecules and micro-organisms with the potential for real time monitoring biochemical processes. Low energy THz radiation interacts with low-frequency internal molecular motions (vibrations) involving the weakest hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) and other weak connections within molecules, exciting these vibrations. Although weak, hydrogen bonds are important since they stabilize the secondary structure of proteins and the DNA double helix. The resonant frequencies of vibrations are sensitive to conformation changes of molecules and their 3D structure.THz spectroscopy is the only technique that can directly probe and detect the weakest hydrogen bonds and other non-bonded interactions within biopolymers and so address properties that IR, Visible, or UV radiation cannot. Each type of bio molecules possesses its unique resonant absorption characteristics, a THz fingerprint. In parallel with experimental characterization, the group is involved in developing computational modeling technique to study molecular dynamics (MD) relaxation processes and molecular recognition, and to predict THz spectroscopic signature of large macromolecules of DNAs, RNAs, proteins and other molecular components of bacterial cells using the energy minimization, normal mode analysis and MD approaches. The long term goals of our company are development of this highly innovative technology and instrumentation relevant to cancer and other diseases research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, as well as to other life science related applications.