Mechanical or Industrial Engineering - , ,
Victory Supply is an award winning Florida based small woman owned company with 25+ years' experience providing industrial supplies worldwide to Commercial, Government, and Prime Contractors. Some of our markets include NASA, Department of Defense, State and Local Governments. 2005 Kennedy Space Center Small Disadvantage Subcontractor 2007 Small Hub Zone Business of the Year, United Space Alliance, KSC, FL2008 Small Business of the Year, Lockheed Martin Orlando/Ocala FLVictory's services consist of Laboratory, Clean Room, Safety, Electrical, Soldering, Packing and Industrial supplies. Victory offers services as a supplier, broker and Authorized Distributor for numerous product lines, some listed below. We also offer services to provide 3 quotations for price reasonableness justifications.Victory is relentlessly focused on customer satisfaction from the first call to delivery. All items will be shipped to your specifications. We offer expedited delivery services as required and where possible.Victory is virtually unlimited in fulfilling requirements for your fast pace environment. Exostar registeredSB Partner with Graybar Electric Greenbelt trained employeesKittingWarehouse servicesStorage Blanket Agreements or IDIQBar CodingSecurity ClearancesInternational ShippingVendor Managed Inventory (VMI)Victory Supply…..The small business you've been looking for!