- Kyiv, , Ukraine
VIRIDIANS LAB is a sustainable Consultancy, Creative & Communication Identity Design Agency based in Kyiv, Ukraine with the main purpose to support companies to adopt an eco-friendly approach and proper reporting in adherence to the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) by 2020 as well as the Paris Agreement of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted through Decision 1/CP.21 and the Transition of Ukraine to the Renewable Energy by 2050.It specializes in waste reduction, process improvement, eco-branding & eco-identity. Through optimizing and improving its operations, going green and finally using sustainable designs; companies will be able to standout both internally and against their competition. "Go green, make green"VIRIDIANS LAB aims to provide Lean and Six Sigma expertise (operations and reporting) as well as a green spectrum of Signage, Branding, Brand Identity Collateral, Green Themed Displays, Web Design & Development, that would look appealing, smart, professional with a story and purpose for outstanding results.