Motion Pictures & Film - New York, New York, United States
Virtual Beauty has 15 years experience creating media that focuses on the intersection of design, engineering, science and style. Projects range from web videos profiling Popular Mechanic's breakthrough innovators to creative direction of the Museum of the Moving Image's multimedia 'Behind the Screen Exhibit.'\\In the process, we execute projects with teams on site and off, on the road and in New York City, with animators, filmmakers, and illustrators. The work includes hybrid visual techniques including video, animation, and interaction. The principle, Jane Nisselson's master's degree from MIT Media Lab has enabled the company to be nimble with new technologies and an early adaptor. \\We communicatiethe essence of a 'brand' for a range of blue chip companies and create multimedia that stays true to an institution's core values -- its experience, vision, and strategies that take it from its initial mission into the 21st century. \\Our clients include Aramis and Designer Fragrances, Conde Nast Publications, Estee Lauder, GQ, Hearst Magazines, Museum of Modern Art, Museum of the Moving Image, and W Magazine. \\The founder, Jane Nisselson received her M.S. from MIT, has taught visuallzation at NYU's ITP, and is completing an NSF funded documentary 'Explaining Diagrams.'
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