Architecture Firm/Engineering Firm - Loveland, OH, US
Our main product - the Visual Slope Series is a new generation of geo-structural design software that uses convenient drawing procedures similar to AutoCAD to help users establish input files, which allows a detailed and accurate modeling of a real situation to be achieved, and which greatly reduces chances of input errors. The Visual Slope Series includes: • Visual Slope - Slope Stability • Visual Slope - MSE Wall • Visual Slope - Reinforced Slope • Visual Slope – Nailing • Visual Slope – Shoring • Visual Slope - Seepage Analysis • Visual Slope - Tunnel Lining Design • Visual Slope - Freezing Construction Design The Visual Slope Series is far superior from other programs for several reasons: • Visual Slope is based on the latest design concepts, standards and research and test results. • Visual Slope has been successfully used in many important and complicated projects in US and around world. • Both allowable stress design method (ASD ) and load and resistance factor design method (LRFD) can be used with the Visual Slope Series like a shelf, Visual Slope is loaded with many different modules (functions). • Users can either use each module individually to solve a specific design problem, or use several modules together to solve a complicated design problem. Although Visual Slope is a multi-function program, all functions in Visual Slope have been designed to share a common analogy. • Therefore, they are very easy to learn and use Visual Slope is equipped with very rich material property banks. • Users can either directly use the material properties stored in the banks, or conveniently store their own material properties to the banks for repeated use Visual Slope commit to providing the best services and support to its customers. • Users can easily learn how to use Visual Slope by watching videos at our on-line training center or on YouTube by searching Visual Slope.