Office Equipment hardware - Louisville/Jefferson County metro go, KY, US
VO Sales Group is an Enterprise Solutions Sales Development GroupOffering:1) A Contract Sales Development Group.2) An Enterprise Mobility Solutions Funding Group VO Sales Group is a growing International Sales Development company.Our focus is on all things Enterprise Mobility, whether in the Supply Chain, Logistics, Inside the 4 walls, Outside the 4 walls in the Field, Transportation, Retail, Healthcare or Cloud Computing.Our customers typically have a strong financial play.We generate Pre-Qualified sales opportunity for Healthcare, Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail, Financial and other major market sectors.Our focus in on Sales.Sales Prospecting IS Sales...when your solution is $50K and more.Our offering is called Fractional Ownership of a Sales Prospecting Team.To address the black eye that our industry has (demand generation) VO Group operates in a very capitalistic fashion allowing for self-employment in a performance based environment. We do have an agent program. We are always looking for new agents.We have spent much of our sales time representing the Channel Partners in the indirect channel of brand name technology companies. Our client is likely a channel partner of name brand product such as IBM, SAP, Oracle, Symbol, Honeywell, Intermec, Motorola, and others.We also recognize that the Enterprise Mobility ISV community is not only in need of Sales, but maybe also Funding. VO Group has launched an Enterprise Mobility Solutions Funding Group.VO Sales Group not only has US based clients but international clients as well. We have an affinity towards Brazil and S.America as a growing US trading partner.