Media Production - Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Voice4Thought (V4T) provides a space for critical voices to express their thoughts. We work with artists,academics, journalists, bloggers, and others who are engaged in socio-political change. We seek to bring academia to the streets and the streets to academia: we believe in knowledge as the result of a co-creative process in which we seek for new connections and opportunities to learn in order to enable dialogue between academia, decision-makers and civil society. The core of Voice4Thought is our digital platform where we connect all dots. We are equally engaged in on-the-ground projects and events. We organize festivals and participate in other events, we host a platform for bloggers worldwide and organize workshops, debates and cultural events. We support voices and collectives with whom we work in writing and executing projects, such as the Voice4Thought Academy in Mali. Next to this, we have a peer-reviewed and academically recognized online publication ‘Bridging Humanities'.In our work we focus on the use and integration of different media and sources: text, video, photography, audio, cartoons and multimedia. As we seek for more possibilities of digital communication we integrate theses sources and ICTs as tools for our projects and at the same time consider them as central part of academic work as well as a crucial part of the definitions of new methodologies. We embrace the possibilities opened by new technologies and the role of the digital. We invite people to join our organization with their own projects to collaborate in our networks.
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