Online Media - Vilvoorde, Flanders, Belgium
Traditional customer service has been moved to social media. Consumers want answers on their questions and complaints real-time when they are available. Companies often have problems to provide this service 24/7 due to legal limitations, lack of resources or expertise and the traditional way of thinking to handle customer service. VoicY will offer these services of serving consumers 24/7 by providing a pool of millennials, friends of brands and/or industry expertise who have the skills to reply fast, in a qualitative way and with the right tone of voice. VoicY is the first European agency that offers a real 24/7 service to organisations who need support in replying to questions or complaints from customers in real-time on social media. With a range of multiple language-skilled freelancers specialised in different industries your company will have the possibility to hire these people during campaign (peaks), crisis, events, etc….
Microsoft Office 365