Real Estate - Bristol, Pennsylvania, United States, a proprietary web based management software application was built with AMS Operations and Tower Communications in 2004 and was purchased by AMS in 2011. The application is cutting edge, designed and developed in conjunction for Projects such as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development's Management and Marketing Contracts, Bank of America, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Field Service Contracts. All sections of Vorticity are designed to provide home buyers, selling agents, asset management staff, clients, brokers, vendors, field personnel, and quality control managers the ability to view, and capture, each piece of vital marketing, management and maintenance information of each assigned asset. The Vorticity teams continue to enhance this technology through the use of artificial intelligence and mobile applications, allowing field crews, agents, home buyers and contractors to upload inspection reports and photographs directly from the field, providing a real time view to each asset. Vorticity's goal is to provide a platform that reduces operational challenges and maximizes efficiency to drive cost controls in real estate. Today the application manages over 300,000 properties and is expanding to manage 133 million homes nationwide. Everyday Vorticity receives nearly 1 million photos of work completed in the field, marketing photos, and other real estate related documentation.