Telecommunications - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
VOXAVOX is a developer of, and commercialization vehicle for, real time voice to voice translation technology and applications. The increase in worldwide population migration and travel has created a barrier to language communication. The need for real time voice to voice translation is increasing dramatically, and the cost and availability of human interpreters will never satisfy the demand. In the 2007 report from the E.U. High Level Group on Multilingualism, it states that: …Europe suffers from a shortage of interpreters who can work in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean… Current machine based translation technologies have focussed on literary and other text based content, greatly improving translation accuracy. By taking the best concepts from current translation technologies and integrating them with VOXAVOX technologies, we have demonstrated that near real time voice to voice translation is achievable on relatively low computing power devices such as set top boxes and mobile phones. Quality and accuracy have been consistently high enough to convey the intended meaning, and will continue to improve with further development. In the very near future the universal language translator, once a science fiction concept, will become reality.