Agriculture - Williamstown, VIC, AU
As the peak body representing a community of over 838,000 Victorians, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body (VRFish) works to consult broadly and communicate with the Victorian recreational fishing community, represent and advocate the views of recreational fishers to Government and their agencies and ensure full access to a diverse and healthy Victorian recreational fishery. VRFish provides support through facilitation, advocacy, education strategies and policy development.VRFish is a not for profit organisation established in 1995 and is funded by Victorian Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) revenue. VRFish commenced operations after a joint Parliamentary Committee recommended to the then Minister for Natural Resources that a Peak Body be set up to represent the interests of recreational fishers in Victoria.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------VRFish Charter: To consult broadly with the recreational fishing community to represent the views of recreational fishers in an accurate and timely manner to Government and their agencies, as well as communicate effectively with the recreational fishers of Victoria.VRFish Vision: To ensure full access to a diverse and healthy Victorian recreational fishery. VRFish Mission: To represent and advocate the interests of the Victorian recreational fishing community.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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