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VRISILE MEDIAWORKS & BROADBAND SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED Trading as VRISLE MEDIAWORKS. Incorporated with MCA on 25 August 2017. The COMPANY is listed in the class of pvtltd company and classified as Non Govt Company. This company is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), ShillongThe company has 2 directors/key management personal. Vrisile Mediaworks & Broadband Services Private Limited company registration number is 018118 and its Corporate Identification Number(CIN) provided from MCA is U74999AS2017PTC018118.The word VR stands for VIRTUAL REALITY and ISLE is a French Word, which means island, .i.e VIRTUAL ISLAND, together it forms VRISLE.Vrisle MediaWorks will be involved in creating content in Hindi, Assamese & English. With a production center in New Delhi and Guwahati. We are among the largest television content producers in India.North East India is growing population with versatile talents. There is an eminent thrive in the market for production Houses. Vrisle MediaWorks will promote services in the multilingual and pluralistic culture of North-east. So that our young film-makers can get in touch with experts and will have a good platform to build the work ethic. And at the lowest cost and with well-equipped experts around the Globe we will provide the highest quality services to them. We will be united with our Company to developed North Eastern Film Industry and business culture.Our Motto is to present, promote, develop, create, curate, educate North Eastern Film Industry & business culture with the power of Visual Effects and with all other latest available technologies.Currently we are operating our business virtually from Delhi and Assam and we are Present Across Nation (PAN INDIA).
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