Restaurants - David, , Panama
Wagas operates a group of cafes and restaurants under multiple brands and concepts in China since 1999. Untill now, we operates 65 stores in 10 citys across of China mainland. Food quality, consistency and safety is very important to us – it is our core belief and we work hard to achieve it.Our team is made up of young energetic Chinese and International people with a common love for good food, healthy living, quality design and a wholesome lifestyle. We take pride in training and developing our team. We love people who smile a lot and love what they do.Wagas will continue to expand throughout China whilst staying true to our core.Our brands include Wagas, Baker & Spice,Bang Café, mr willis, La Strada, Henkes, Mi Thai, Amokka and Raku. 品牌故事1999年,一个叫John F. Christensen的丹麦小伙子发现,在上海他很难找到可口的三明治,第一家Wagas就此诞生。Wagas是一个拥有多家西式健康轻食连锁餐厅的集团。我们每日提供美味的食物——三明治、意面、色拉、摩登亚洲、蛋糕、鲜榨果汁和精品特焙咖啡。沃歌斯坚持食物的高品质和口味的一致性,这是我们的核心理念,我们也倾心为之努力。拥有65家门店横跨10个城市从1999年起成为健康轻食领域的先锋在2010年,源于我们对品质的追求,Baker & Spice诞生了。它是一个获得了多个奖项的咖啡面包房,专注于提供欧洲面包、酸面包、西点和蛋糕。它每日为Wagas提供新鲜产品,保证了最好的质量。
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