Electronics - N/A, N/A, N/A
K&L Cable is a manufacturer and distributor of cables and wires. Operating under K&L is the brand WarmSurfaces, which is a radiant floor heating systemHeating floors as the main source of heat a dwelling is not a new concept. In fact, the Europeans have been using this method to heat their homes for a number of years. Some Scandinavian countries even use radiant heat to melt the snow on their side walks and outdoor cafes. Imagine how many accidents from sliping on icy surfaces they avoid, thus eliminating many undue medical expenses.The WarmSurfaces twisted pair of wires will heat your floor to a maximum of 12 watts per square foot (129 Watts per square meter) when spaced at 3 inches, and 9 Watts per Square foot (97 Watts per square meter) when spaced at 4 inches. Your entire floor becomes your main source of evenly distributed heat, when compared to the more conventional heating mechanisms located in a concentrated source format underneath windows or areas where cold air enters.Most of this concentrated heat quickly rises to the ceiling while some escapes through little vents or poorly insultated areas such as windows, which usually have a very low "R" factor. In order to reach a comfortable level, user will invariably use more energy to heat the entire space starting from the ceiling to the floor. Unfortunatly, the most important surfaces in your house, basically your floors, will remain cold.