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PPI Warwick - Warwick Indonesian Society in collaboration with Coventry Indonesian Society (PPI Coventry) and the Indonesian Students Association in the UK (PPI UK) proudly presents The Inaugural of Warwick Indonesia Forum 2016 // 12 March 2016 // University of Warwick, UK A network platform curated for Indonesian and Indonesianists scholars and students, private and government institutions, and universities representatives in the UK for holistic, interdisciplinary research discussions and knowledge exchanges on Indonesia's internal and external affairs in the twenty-first century global landscape. This event will feature key programmes including: 1.) Talks and Panel Discussion (The 3rd Indonesia Updates) 2.) The 2nd workshops by Indonesian Scholars Forum 3.) Launch of Indonesia UK Scholar's Network (IUKSN) by The University of Warwick. 4.) Launching of Website Rekam Riset Anak Bangsa by PPI UK 5.) Networking Lunch The forum is in partnership with The University of Warwick, Bank Indonesia, The Indonesian Embassy, Wonderful Indonesia and, The Directorate-General of Research and Development Enhancement, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI). This event will require registrations, more information to be announced. Follow us for more updates: Facebook: Warwick Indonesia Forum Twitter: @WIF2016 Instagram: @WIF2016 Email: