Environmental Services - Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Water Solutions is a division of Industrial Oilfield Construction, LLC that is based in the PermianBasin. IOC Water Solutions has developed the technology and operational engineering to take theproduce water from any oil and gas production wells and process the produce water into a fullyrecycled, reusable, and fracable product. IOC Water Solutions water filtration unit uses a newtechnology and methods that is new to the filtration market for filtrating produce water. Our filtrationunits do not use flocculation, micron filter socks, coagulation, or chemical additives. IOC Water Solutionsunits are based on a green and environmentally friendly process. Our internal processing products forfiltering produce water has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. We are able to takeflow back water from a post frac'd well, lease produce water, reserve pit, salt water disposal water andother waste water by product and remove the total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, iron, acids,and other waste sediments and convert to a reusable water source. With our intensive research anddevelopment program and field testing, has proven that our filtering units surpass other filtrating unitson the market. Our unit is able to process more barrels per day and maintain water analysis resultsbelow the expected levels. Our filtering units can be used as a standalone unit or can be installed inseries to obtain over 250,000 barrels per day with the same achievable results.
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