Human Resources - Singapore, , Singapore
W.E. Matter predicts workforce Performance and AttritionWe are a new age HR Tech firm that aims to transform businesses and improve lives by harnessing the potential of Employee Engagement and Wellbeing.We understand the challenges of a multi-generational workforce. By leveraging more than 20 years of research and the power of artificial intelligence, we have created our W(ell-being) + E(ngagement) Matter Model in our endeavor to make organizations a better place to work in.Experience with over 2,500 surveys show that most employee engagement scores do not correlate with work results and attrition. W.E. Matter integrates unique insights in both Engagement and Wellbeing for a true snapshot of employee performance and retention.In this evolving pandemic, knowing what motivates your regional workforce can be a predictor of performance and stress. Our 5P Framework provides a holistic view of these drivers - be it Passion for customers, Perseverance to overcome challenges or a sense of Pride.