Animation - , ,
Together Studio is a young stop-motion animation company, founded in 2006. In the past six years, we've made many popular short films for television and advertisements. These include Angry Hedgehog and Marathon in the Forest, co-produced with YOYO TV; Two Men, a short film for Taiwan's public television channel; War In The Kitchen, a short film for a children's television show, Fruit Ice Cream; and three short films for StarQ Read Pen, co-produced with If Kids Theater and Tomorrow Studio. Our many advertisements include Wanwan Crunchy Cake and Sesame Street in English. Together Studio has participated in international film festivals and is rapidly becoming one of the most celebrated stop-motion studios in Taiwan. Our main interest is in feature-length works for film and television, and character brand licensing and merchandising. We would like to become an internationally competitive stop-motion animation company.
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