Internet - N/A, N/A, US
Web development and design entity.Responsibilities for cliental:• Develop and design web pages and maintain the web site. Daily changes are necessary.• Set up and developed the search engine optimization strategies. This increased the site hit totals from 15,000 to 340,000 hits per year. • Conducted extensive audio production and web archiving of over 300 audio files. • Developing a video portal presently.• Track and monitor site usage with site statistics software. Proofread all copy. • Work closely with all department directors to allow for an open direction for the site.and• Developing several web sites: a government contractor for IT and applications engineering services, and a jewelry company interested in expanding its business and customer base through the Internet.• Developed web pages for A leading E-bay seller of diamonds and jewelry. Applied JavaScript and XHTML to build interactive user interfaces. ===Expertise in Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Director, and Adobe Acrobat Writer.Expertise XHTML, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and CGI.Expertise in database management platform of Dynamic Data Concepts.Experienced with Adobe Creative Suite 5, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator.Expertise in Unica Affinium e-Mail marketing management application.Expertise with e-Mail marketing and brandingExposure to Perl, SSI, Cookies, mSQL, and Java Applets.Expertise with Microsoft Office, Microsoft Mail Merge and Excel.
Microsoft Frontpage
Google Tag Manager
Google Analytics