Real Estate - Natick, MA, US
Weiss Residential Research was founded to help fill the knowledge and innovation gap that led to the great housing crash of 2007. Building on many years of research repeat sales home price indexes, we have increased the resolution of market analysis nearly10,000-fold by creating a separate repeat sales index for each house in the US. In contrast, first generation indexes produced home prices at only a zip code level. We accomplished this increase in resolution through the use of Big Data techniques, novel algorithms and by harnessing the power of massively parallel multi-CPU computing power.The accuracy and resolution of this meta-analysis is unprecedented and can be used to highlight the unique price trajectory of each house on a street, within a town, or across the United States. Our indexes shows that house specific price movements can differ substantially from zip code level home price indexes. With accurate individual house price indexes, we produce accurate home price forecasts. Our tools can help homeowners and homebuyers make smarter real estate decisions and discover market patterns.