Architecture & Planning - Samborondon, Guayas, Ecuador
We are a multidisciplinary firm working in disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, planning, place making and tactical urbanism. We provide a variety of services for different clients that include private developers, individuals, governments and municipalities. We work in collaboration with experts from different fields to provide a full service to our clients. We are committed to achieving design excellence. Our mission is to create through regenerative design beautiful places for people to live, play, and get inspired, carefully tailored to their wellbeing and health, in addition to protecting our environment and natural ecosystems.Specialties include: Architecture, Landsape Architecture, Urban Design, Placemaking, Tactical Urbanism, Living Architecture, Green Infrastructure, and Integrated Playspaces___Somos una firma de diseño y construcción con un enfoque en diseño regenerativo para mejorar esfuerzos en el desempeño de edificaciones, remediación de ecosistemas, y el continuo desarrollo de espacios habitables urbanos y rurales.
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