Media Production - , Delhi, India
Lies roam around, disguised as truth. We are fed with fiction in the name of facts.What's real? What's not? What's the truth? Where to find it? So many questions linger answered.But are you looking for the answers in the right places? Are you asking the right questions?The line between truth and lies, facts and false stories has been blurred. And we are here to redraw it.Weracity is a team effort, driven by curiousity and the real idea of hard hitting journalism. In a society where journalism has been reduced to just reports filled with facts and figures and a lack of empathy, we strive to deliver the true stories, irrespective of their stance. We aspire to go beyond the conventional boundaries of journalism. At the very core, Weracity is a bunch of enthusiasts who stay centred as the world leans left and right. We are here to present to you the crux of the issues with insightful discussions. We will help you see the loopholes, the bigger picture and cover all perspectives.WE ARE THE YOUTHWE ARE THE VOICEWE ARE TEAM WERACITY