Nonprofit Organization Management - New York, New York, United States
Keep up with us on the web!Next event Summer Kickoff BBQ 5/6! Details: White Roof Project is low cost, easy to implement, relieves stress on the power grid, cuts down on smog, and creates tangible change for individuals, our communities, and even globally.This last year we have painted over 30 buildings helping hundreds of families lower their energy bills. We hope to start similar efforts in cities nationwide by 2013 with similar results and globally by 2014.If we were to coat 5 percent of rooftops per year worldwide, we would be finished by 2030. This would save us 24 billion metric tons in CO2. That happens to be exactly how much the world emitted in 2010. So, in essence, this solution would be like turning the world off for an entire year — while also saving some money on the energy bills.
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