Higher Education - Williamsburg, Virginia, United States
The Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation was established in 2019 to break through disciplinary silos, adopt appropriate new technologies, and more strongly connect with and lead colleagues across the university to advance teaching excellence. Our desire to connect, collaborate, and serve as a hub for instructors, co-educators, and students alike pushes us daily to serve our community in responsive and strategic ways.Housed on the ground floor of Swem Library, STLI embodies the institution's commitment to expanding, enhancing and improving our students' educational experiences. William & Mary combines teaching excellence with research innovation. As we continue striving to become the preeminent Liberal Arts & Sciences university of the 21st Century, we must strengthen further our abilities to promote learning, generate discovery and advance innovation. The establishment of an integrated Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation serves to coordinate existing initiatives devoted to teaching effectiveness while creating new opportunities to ignite and incubate innovative ideas and approaches, and to showcase these at our institution and beyond.