Publishing - Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
"I am a pool shootin' boy. My name is Willie McCoy, but down home they call me Slim." The year was 1972; the singer was Jim Croce; and the refrain was "You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Slim." The year was 1982; the employer was T.J. Maxx; and my first workplace nickname was "Slim." The mathematical Transitive Property of Equality states: "If a = b and b = c, then a = c." If Willie McCoy = Slim and Slim = me, then Willie McCoy = me and thus William McCoy Publishers was developed and three non-fictions books were published in print and digital form on 1. GOD-centric (2011) fulfilled a lifelong mission to rescue my good and fair God of love from religions which did not portray God as always loving, good, and fair. 2. GOD-centric Interior Spiritual Disciplines (2012) put into practice the filtering of sacred texts and verse through the loving, good, and fair lens. 3. GOOD-centric Exterior Spiritual Disciplines (2016) focused on our living out our ultimate concerns of love, goodness, and fairness through the disciplines of simplicity, service, stewardship, and celebration.Thank you for reading!