Luxury Goods & Jewelry - Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Winfast Watch & Jewellery Limited is founded by a team of experts with over 30 years of experience in the second hand watch and jewellery industry. Our mission is to build a one-stop platform where watches, jewellery and named brand handbags lovers can come and enjoy to look, shop, trade-in or hang out. With the creative mind and expertise in the second hand watch, jewellery and the named brand handbags industry, we try our best to collect the most valuable pieces at the most reasonable price for our customers from all over the world. Satisfaction and quality are guarantee when you visit Winfast Watch & Jewellery. 永發錶飾由一群在珠寶鐘錶行業擁有超過二十年經驗的專家成立。本著為廣大名錶、珠寶、名袋迷服務的宗旨,永發員工努力不懈地為顧客建立一個可靠的平台,務求讓顧客更安心舒適地交易買賣名錶、珠寶及名袋。我們以創新的理念,結合二十年的實力,致力從世界各地搜羅價廉物美的貨品, 為本地及海外的顧客提供最安心、優質的買賣服務。
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