Internet - , Haryana, India
We are 'A top Business' concern, abide by our very own ÁtopB benchmark, working on 'The Edge of Quality' to 'Excel the World' with our initiatives.WinfiY + ÁtopB = A top Business : It's not the financial figures that make our business top, it's our initiatives that don't just add money to our Bank Account but also add value to life of people like you.WinfiY + ÁtopB = The Edge of Quality : Everything is either Á (Quality) or "B" (inferior). While in the short-run, inferiors may survive, it's Quality that prevails in the long-run. Quality tops the inferiors and so ÁtopB.WinfiY + ÁtopB = Excel the World : We don't prioritize projects with high profits, we do prioritize projects with high impact. Profit is our important motive indeed but it's not the center of what we do.WinfiY initiatives: #1 WinfiY crunch : WinfiY crunch compress the big chunk of information provided by countless sources & deliver the compressed yet quality information you need to be ‘smarter' in form of ‘very short, summarized, crisp, simple, edutaining & informative one paragraph' that we dearly call ‘WinfiY crunch'!#2 WinfiY studio : WinfiY studio aims to help every person on the planet create their own corner on the internet!#3 Calm Social Media : To protect people from becoming a 'social media puppet' & recover those who are already in the trap & help them live a "Social Media Addiction-Free Life". #4 ÁÁÁ PRINCIPLE : To change the way you think, the way you act & what results you get.All WinfiY initiatives are abide by our very own ÁtopB benchmark & ÁÁÁ PRINCIPLE. Á here means the quality in our thoughts; the quality in our actions; the quality in our results. First we all need to make our thoughts good. Actions & results are bound to follow!