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女人迷 womany,為華人第一全方位女性網站。女人迷是一個連結女人的社群媒體,透過自有編輯和旅居世界各地的特約作者,提供具有性別意識的多元觀點文章。透過討論區,串連網友的意見集合。女人迷希望能以科技方法,關心女人的需求和問題。女人迷,走心的媒體社群,我們陪伴並且支持女性的自我成長女人迷是讀者的心靈導師,我們教育、我們啟發、我們為世界人權的進步產生影響。Womany is a leading female lifestyle community website based in Asia. By providing womany, the daily destination for women of curated contents and connected community, for independent and intelligent female, and thereby empower women to raise consciousness.Womany, the hearty media-community, we support and empower every girls and women to grow. Womany is the mentor of our readers. We educate, we inspire, we make impact on the improvement of gender rights in the world.
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