Civic & Social Organization - Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana
Women in Law and Development in Africa- Ghana (WiLDAF Ghana) is a women's rights-based, non- governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and strengthening strategies that link law and development to increase women's participation and influence at the local, national and international levels. Since its establishment in 1993, the organization has successfully sensitized women on their legal rights through numerous legal awareness campaigns. It has also been able to influence society greatly towards a positive re-orientation of cultural practices, customs and policies which hither to, hindered the advancement of women. WiLDAF Ghana is part of a Pan-African network, which was one of the three women's rights organizations established after the Latin America and Asia Pacific branches in 1990, with the mission of using law as a tool for development. The secretariat of Women in Law and Development in Africa was based in Harare, Zimbabwe until it was moved to Lusaka, Zambia in 2009. The West African regional office is in Togo, with a national office in Accra, Ghana.
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