Architecture & Planning - New York, New York, United States
Our mission is to provide the lighting community an inclusive and open environment for professional and personal growth by offering networking, mentorship, and knowledge sharing. Women in Lighting + Design is open to all women, all marginalized genders, and their allies, creating a supportive and safe network for all.Join us at our networking events for animated discussions on women in the workplace and current lighting trends while making new friends and meeting mentors. Learn from our history and discuss how we can strive to push forward as a group and individually.We are WILD.CHAPTERS:WILD Atlanta | womeninlightingdesignATL@gmail.comWILD Austin | womeninlightingaustin@gmail.comWILD Chicago | WeareWild.Chicago@gmail.comWILD Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) | WILD.DFW@gmail.comWILD Denver | WomenInLightingDenver@gmail.comWILD Des Moines | WILDesMoines@gmail.comWILD Detroit | WomeninLightingDetroit@gmail.comWILD Houston | houstontxwild@gmail.comWILD Los Angeles | WILDWLA@gmail.comWILD New Jersey | WomeninlightingNJ@gmail.comWILD New York City | WILDNewYorkCity@gmail.comWILD Pacific Northwest | WILDPDxNW@gmail.comWILD Philadelphia | WILDphiladelphia@gmail.comWILD San Diego | WomenInLightingSD@gmail.comWILD San Francisco | womeninlightingsf@gmail.comWILD St. LouisWILD Toronto |