Individual & Family Services - Cleveland, Ohio, United States
History\Women's Wellness Foundation The Women's Wellness Foundation began in a small church hall in 2012, distributing clothing to women every Saturday. It has since grown to a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization serving over 1,000 women and providing over 500 units of service in 2014. Women of all walks of life are assisted and provided guidance to re-establish themselves to achieve a lifestyle of recovery and a successful reintegration back into the community. \\Mission Statement \Provide an alternative to recidivism for women leaving incarceration by addressing housing, employment and basic needs, while offering programs which focus on healthy relationships, education and life skills, providing a bridge to a new way of life.\\What We Do\We are an all-volunteer based organization that provides peer recovery and gender specific supportive services to women in reentry and substance abuse treatment. When resources are available, we provide personal hygiene products, shoes and clothing, under garments, referrals to community linkages , and opportunities to develop healthy relationships and interactions with positive associations.\\Program\Living in the Solution is facilitated by a licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant, Peer Recovery Specialist and women who have recovered from substance abuse, addictions and incarceration. One of the many purposes of the program is to provide an alternative to recidivism by identifying and addressing criminogenic risks factors and developing solutions to resolve unhealthy patterns of behaviors. Mentorship is also provided by women who have successfully overcome the challenges of addiction, unhealthy relationships and incarceration. \\The program is held Every Friday 6:30pm-8pm \North Star Neighborhood Reentry Resource Center 1855 East 55th Street Cleve, OH 44103 \\Future Plans\The ultimate vision is to extend the services into a sober living transition home with on-site case management.
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