Construction - Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
Wong Pak Lam & Associates Consulting Engineers & Architects Ltd. ("WPL") is an award-winning consultancy in Hong Kong. Our mission is to deliver best performance, best designs and quality buildings. With strong technical and quality management capabilities, WPL has been entrusted with many prestigious building projects spanning the Mainland China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asian regions. WPL is renowned for engaging in delivering the best, first, elegant and large-scale building projects. Established in 1980, we have supported a wide range of architectural, structural, civil, geotechnical, building services, cladding and façade engineering and project management consultancy services. In order to achieve the goal of delivering absolute quality services to its clients, WPL has adopted the approach of looking into each client's needs and requirements while proposing the best from a professional point of view in each of its service arena. We serve every client with our utmost dedication. For over the past three decades, we have worked with public organizations as well as local developers and consortia such as New World Development Co., Ltd., and Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd., on all scales of projects in catering, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and non-profit-making sectors.