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Founded in 2018, in Dschang, Cameroon, central Africa World Medical Students is a non-profit association of medical professionals (students) and related fields. WMS exists to: • To optimize and facilitate the training of health professionals by linking theoretical courses to practical situations (‘'knowledge and experience sharing'' AND ‘'Learning by Doing''). • To fight for the progressive amelioration of the living conditions, and life expectancy of local and urban populations in its member's nations Cameroon, Africa, and with hope, worldwide. • Put products and services in concordance with our objective at our communities' disposal.General Objectives: WMS aims to facilitate and share knowledge, and optimize our member's practical competencies in professional health services. To teach self care to our members, improving their wellbeing. Support our members efforts to positively, efficiently, and sustainably impact death rate statistics locally and internationally.Specific objectives: • Support socio-professional insertion (finding employment or encouraging self-employment) of medical students (all levels and specialty). • Assist med-school candidates with their medical school entrance exams. • Provide greater access and awareness of potential scholarship programs in medicine. • Be a resource to recommendations or placement, when possible of deserving medical students into local and international medical school programs. • Promote preventative health measures by educating health actors (professionals and nonprofessional). • Provide emotional support by offering credible referrals to health professionals. • Improve communication within the field of modern medicine, traditional medicine, environmental sciences, social sciences and encourage interdisciplinary cooperation with professionals and the populations they care for in order to partner in physical, mental and social wellbeing. • Support proactive planning in communities in order to reduce the prevalence of public health disasters. • To teach, learn, and participate in protecting the environment. • Fight against social issues such as the exploitation and social abuse of persons, deforestation, desertification, environmental pollution and others. • To provide support to medical students working with vulnerable populations. • To be an international standard for non-profit humanitarian organizations, by acting for the wellbeing of others. • To work towards equalizing assistance and follow-up care to needy populations, particularly underprivileged ones, and to provide them better standards for their community health facilities. • To educate more persons in order to solve the medical doctor to patients ratio in developing countries. • To ensure oversight so that the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) are attained. • To implement programs that will reinforce populations' capacities, by providing cooperative alliances with health programs that facilitate their effective and efficient participation in healthcare development and decision making. • Work to protect and provide assistance to refugees, abandoned children, orphans, internally displaced persons and victims of natural catastrophes.Our mission:World Medical Students' missions are summarized in these words: Inform, promote, train, prevent, assist, ease, facilitate, accompany, notice and denounce.
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