Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong
World Wide Touch Technology (Holdings) Limited (the "Company") was incorporated in Cayman Islands as an exempted company with limited liability on 17 July 2009. The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") are principally engaged in the trading and provision of services of the automation related equipment, and manufacturing of a range of high-technology products including wireless charging devices, plasma lighting source products, cutting-edge fingerprint biometric devices, capacitive touch screen controllers and modules, high-speed communication products and automotive-related products.Since July 2013, the Group has expanded its biometric service offerings and launched the world's first biometric fingerprint privacy protection platform and devices - FingerQ and PrivacQ to strengthen the Group's position as the leading provider in patented biometric security solutions.With a vision of being a provider of "life technologies" to facilitate and improve the daily life of the users, the Group strives to employ cutting-edge technologies in its products and implement strategic development plans in an effort to enlarge its market share and promote the diversification of its product mix.The company has been listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited since 15 December 2010 (Stock code: 1282).