Entertainment - Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Festival Dates: February 17-19, 2023. The Worldwide Women's Film Festival supports women in film by educating, supporting and empowering women in the collaborative endeavor of filmmaking while we shine a light on women's stories and other diverse experiences across all genders.Qualified films have women in at least one key creative role: Writer, Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Composer, or other significant key role.All filmmakers are welcome as we are not exclusive to women only. Films under 60 minutes are considered shorts. Films 60 minutes or longer are considered feature length. All genres, narrative and documentary, will be accepted.Submission DatesSUBMISSION DEADLINESFilmFreeway submission graphicJUNE 11 - Registration Opens on Film FreewaySEPT 3 - Earlybird Registration EndsOCT 1 - Regular Registration EndsOCT 31 - Extended Registration EndsDEC 1 - Festival Passes and Film Block Tickets Go on SaleDEC 1 - Film Selection NotificationJAN 1 - Film Schedule ProvidedJAN 15 - Sponsor Registration Ends
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