Management Consulting - London, England, United Kingdom
INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT CONSULTING SERVICESPROFESSIONAL TRANSACTIONS ADVISORY WS Phillips Consultancy Ltd is registered British company in England (Company Number:11325682) under the companies act 2006 as a private company, that the company is limited by shares, and the situation of its registered office is in England and Wales.WSP focuses on technical/commercial due-diligence services offering on the stages of the infrastructure life cycle. We have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing project developers in frontier markets and cater to the requirements of the best practices.We emphasize the benefits of effective financing and risk advisory services at the earliest stages to enable a project strategy geared towards financiers' appetite. Our approach helps developers make better decisions through early project definition and evaluation of project viability and enables capital to be raised more effectively.The Nature of business (SIC) under the registration are : - Financial management - Management consultancy activities other than financial management - Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities - Environmental consulting activities