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DoooX is an independent, closed member portal to be used exclusively by professional members of the health care system. As a general rule a proof of profession is required. Increasing specialization in the field of health care makes it more and more difficult to exchange thoughts and ideas between the people involved.Specialization is often associated with dwindling knowledge concerning both professional and working policy issues beyond one's own specialty, even if one is in constant touch with the "other" field. Initiated and established by specialists from many different fields in the health care system, DoooX wants to create awareness towards this phenomenon, as well as build bridges between the relevant groups and encourage a lively exchange on professional, working policy, and economical issues. The closer the network of individuals, who often just work along side by side but still isolated, and the quicker and more openly they exchange their thoughts and ideas, the easier the access to a more comprehensive knowledge for the entire medical community.